MeRT: Personalized Brain Treatment for Lasting Relief

Our treatment is noninvasive, drug-free, and tailored to your unique brain.

Whether your goal is to improve a brain condition or optimize brain performance, we can tell you more about yourself than you ever knew.

And with MeRT® TMS, we can treat more than you ever thought possible.

Special Offer for March

Special Offer for March

25% off the first 2 weeks of treatment. 

  • Noninvasive Treatment

    MeRT is a simple outpatient procedure that uses no invasive techniques. After each session, you can resume your daily activities.

  • FDA-Cleared Equipment

    The TMS equipment we use is FDA-cleared to treat depression and OCD and used off-label for a variety of neurological conditions.

  • No Drugs or Anesthesia

    MeRT uses gente magnetic waves to improve brain function. No drugs or anesthesia are necessary during this treatment.

  • board certification logo

    Board Certified Physician

    Dr. Julie Kim, our Medical Director, is a board-certified physician with over 12 years treating patients with MeRT technology.

Conditions We Treat with MeRT

Mother and child

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Our tailored treatment can improve brain connection and communication for a higher quality of life.

soldier with PTSD


MeRT treatment can help free you from past trauma so you can live the life you deserve.

man with depression sitting at a window


A drug-free, personalized depression treatment that can get you back on track to realize your dreams.

woman with a traumatic brain injury after a car crash

Traumatic Brain Injuries

Our comprehensive treatment can help you overcome the after-effects of a traumatic brain injury or concussion.

woman with anxiety biting nails


Our personalized treatment protocols can get you back in control and bring freedom from anxiety.

Brain Performance + Optimization

We can help your brain operate in its most efficient manner, so you can be the best version of yourself.

Our Mission is to help our patients live happier, healthier, more fulfilled lives.

Our Medical Director

Dr. Julie Kim is a Board-Certified Internist with over 20 years of medical experience and over 12 years of experience working with MeRT (Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy). She has treated over 5,000 patients with MeRT at the flagship Brain Treatment Center in Newport Beach, where it all started. She is the most experienced MeRT clinician worldwide. Dr. Kim is dedicated to helping those in need and who can benefit from MeRT.

Your brain, your plan.

Pulse takes a personalized approach to Braincare™. Through the use of MeRT, we can leverage real science, real data and brain insights. We want to help make it easier for you to take action on your Braincare and reshape your future.

MeRT is based on peer-reviewed research published in the most prestigious scientific journals.

Start your personalized journey .

Your first Braincare Recording EEG identifies where the brain has difficulty communicating, putting us on a proven track to optimize your brain function.

  • “My experience here has been life-changing. My 15-year-old son with autism, after only three weeks of treatment, has already begun to show great improvement. He is less aggressive, his speech is more fluent, and he is finally sleeping throughout the night. It’s like a light switch has been turned on.”

    - Parent of Child with ASD after MeRT Treatment

  • “I felt like I was alone even though I was surrounded by love and care. It was just a cloud that would linger over my life every now and again. MeRT helped me understand what was going on in my head, and after a month of treatment, I was grateful to be DEPRESSION FREE and MEDICATION FREE for the first time in my life.”

    - Patient with Depression after MeRT Treatment

  • “I recently conducted 6 weeks of MeRT treatments with incredible results. My mind is clear, and I am able to focus much better than before. My memory recall is also much improved.”

    - Patient after MeRT Treatment

  • “It was absolutely terrifying not to know what was wrong with me or how to fix the problem. MeRT not only identified the deteriorated state of my brainwave activity, it restored its function. I consider the healing I experienced to be nothing short of a miracle.”

    - US Army Veteran after PTSD Treatment

  • “In the months after the concussion, I just wasn’t myself. My academics began to suffer as well. I didn’t feel right. My EEG showed me that something had physically changed with how my brain functioned. After three days of treatment, I felt substantially better.  After two weeks, I felt like I did before my injury.  MeRT was life changing.”

     - Concussion Patient after MeRT Treatment

We're powered by the leading innovator in brain health technology.

Wave Neuro, a Southern California neuroscience company, developed our personalized MeRT TMS treatment protocols. Their patented technology is scientifically proven and tailored to optimize brainwave performance.